Sunday, January 13, 2008


We're counting down and gearing up!

Steve, Anne and I met at Steve's place on Friday to get a handle on packing. Thankfully, Anne's husband Michael kept us on task and Steve's wife Sandy baked pina colada muffins (mmmm!). Even my husband Pat and my little Tucker stopped by to offer enouragement. What fun!

We now have our joint items all looked after: the tennis balls and pencils that Trafalgar collected on White Gift Sunday during Advent; the magazines that Samuel's brother Simeon had gathered; the Trafalgar anniversary pins; a few blue Trafalgar T-shirts; and even a few TPC cookbooks. We still need to add the prayer shawls, but we will dedicate those first on Sunday morning.
Of course the most important thing we packed was the white gold (see Steve's photo. Doesn't he look happy? He picked the luxury kind). We made sure to include enough for some extra visits to the loo and for Karin, who will join us en route to Uganda.
Anne has all our documents, copies, and copies of copies ready to go, Steve packed enough suncreen and mosquito repellant to cover an entire platoon, and we discussed wardrobe choices at length. We each came away with short to-do lists (OK, mine is still pretty long).
Now all we need is a ride to the airport!


debelizabeth said...

Hello folks,

Thought I would try this befor you even leave. It sounds like you are very orgnized and nice to see TPC is taking lots of TP with them!!!

stacey.biggar said...

Don't worry, if you forget anything I'm sure you can just pick it up in the Masooli-Kittetika Wal-mart when you arrive.

Good luck and safe travels!


maryclairey said...

Haha white gold... can't wait to hear more!

Unknown said...

Bon Voyage,
Our prayers travel with as you venture on "Roads to Travel"
Looking forward to hearing about the trip as you journey.