Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Spirit and the General

We met with the committee on Monday morning. Mrs Milli Sessanga, Mr. Cosmas Lubega, Mr. Mohammed Sekebembe, Mrs. Anne Kiwanuka, and Mrs. Efulansi Mutumba were there, along with our team. Steve (a.k.a. The General) had a full agenda prepared for us.

Before we got down to business, we thanked the committee members for all of the time and effort they have poured into the centre. We presented each of them with a prayer shawl, explaining that they area a symbol that the Trafalgar community continues to uphold them in prayer. We shared with them the story of the women of our congregation who have knitted this, and the fact that warm knitted shawls, although unusual in a tropical climate, are perfect in our often cold country. The Spirit was palpable when each of them wrapped the shawl around themselves. They promised that that the committee would wear them at every meeting.

We called the staff in so that we could thank them, and we praised their work in front of the whole committee. We presented them with Trafalgar T-shirts and cookbooks, which they loved. We told them that just like the T-shirt says, they have friends at TPC. We also presented Betty (our cook) with a cookbook and Trafalgar pin, and took the opportunity to thank her for the wonderful food.

Steve led the meeting and we achieved a great deal. Based on the comments from the students, and their parents, we prioritized their recommendations and suggestions. We reviewed and made minor adjustments to the purpose and objectives of the centre; approved a new financial reporting method; and put in place a Board Structure. They agreed to add Irene Mutumba to that Board, understanding that she will bring her leadership and network to the table.

Four hours later (phew!), we closed the meeting. The committee suggested that Mr. Sekebembe (who is a Muslim) lead in prayer, but he insisted that we do it together. So we held hands, and he said a prayer in Lugandan; I followed with a prayer in English.


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