Thursday, January 31, 2008

Happy birthday to me, part II

I thought that after breakfast, my celebration was complete. Not so. When we were in Kampala, I chose a small packet of cookies, mangoes and some “éclair” candies that the ladies here said were their favourite kind of sweet. Later that evening we had a delicious supper of beans with matoki and posha. But instead of having the treats I had bought I was presented with a cake, baked by Betty, that even had roses and “Happy Birthday Kristine” written on it! Everyone sang Happy Birthday and I was very surprised and so happy. What a blessing! We cut the cake up immediately; it was a dense spice cake with sweet white icing, trimmed with white satin ribbon on the sides. I thanked Betty profusely.

Not long after we passed the cake out (the girls were happy to help me eat it), Barbara the security guard brought out a present. She had made me a banana fibre doll, but it was so special because it has hair just like mine, a black robe, and a clergy collar. I love it. I brought out the candies and gave them to Barbara to share with everyone, which were a hit. There were no serious injuries as Anne dove for the cake and candies with superhuman strength and speed (what a sweet tooth!).

What a wonderful Uganda birthday.

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